High school

I attended a Spanish-Hungarian Bilingual Highschool in Szeged, Hungary called Tömörkény István Highschool.
During the 5 years of highschool we studied Spanish language very intensively with native teachers right from the beginning.
It was at highschool that I won a competition and was able to give a presentation at a conference held at the Hungarian Parliament on the History and Culture of Cuba. It was a very impactful moment for me because I wasn’t a particularly talented student in elementary school but I was able to prove what I was capable of.

University of Szeged
I studied Commerce and Marketing at the University of Szeged between 2015 and 2019.
During these four years I was able to join different associations and competitions to test my knowledge. This was also a great time to study on my own and do side projects of my interest.
During this time I learned a lot about myself and was able to expand my point of view.

Polytechnic University of Valencia
Based on my highschool- and Univerity studies I applied to a government scholarship to study at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
During this one year I was able to learn a lot about different cultures and educational methods. I met some really talented people on and off campus with whom I still keep in touch with.
During this year abroad I got to know more about startups, innovation and entrepreneurship which really fascinated me. It was at this time that I decided that I wanted to write my Bachelor thesis on Innovation management.

Kyoto Sangyo University
My interest in culture and innovation led me to search for more opportunites, and I found a scholarship at Kyoto Sangyo University.
I spent a semester in Kyoto and it was 5 months I will never forget. Not only did I learn a lot about management, social issues, language and history, but I also learned a lot about the culture and lifestyle of the people.
This was the most beautiful semester I could possibly imagine. I’ve seen the respect and dedication that the Japanese show each other on a daily basis, but also the problems that are deep in the society and not talked about.
It was interesting to see how divided the country is between tradition and innovation. At one place Soft bank’s Pepper robot is greeting you at the entrance and giving you guidance on what to check out. But in public administration everything was still done on a paper basis. Really slowly.
Japan touched my heart, grabbed it and hasn’t let it go ever since!
Just in time-, self learning

YouTube is one of the biggest gifts of the 21st century for sure. I was able to learn here the basics of PhotoShop, HTML, CSS, cold calling, email marketing and much much more.
Some of my favorite channels are:
A Nerd’s World
Alex Berman
LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is my go to tool when I want to learn more deeply about a specific subject. Here I learned about typography, excel, Webdesign among other things.
Some of my favorite courses were:
Typography, Ina Sultz
Local SEO
Lead Generation Foundations
HTML Essential Training

Books are the boiled down knowledge of some of the most influential people of history. When I want to learn deep and influential topics like leadership, career, psychology, I turn to books.
Some of my favorite books are:
Influence – R. B. Cialdini
12 Rules for Life – J. B. Peterson
Permission Marketing – S. Godin
The Little Prince – A. Saint-Exupéry
Memoirs of a Geisha – A. Golden

I love audio format because it turns wasteful commute or ironing time into a precious learning experience.
Also it is one of the best long format media that helps me concentrate.
Some of my favorite podcasts are:
How I Built This
The Side Hustle Show
Learn Japanese Pod